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For Love of the Truth


Description: A stimulating weekend away, in a beautiful and peaceful setting, for understanding what God, Himself, says in the Bible. You will be encouraged and equipped to help others see and love the Truth.


Location: Sycamores Christian Retreat House in Church Stretton, Shropshire, England


Dates: TBA in June & July 2025. Arrive Friday 3:30 – 4:30pm and depart Sunday by 11am.


Cost: TBA* (includes meals and accommodation). Non-residential option available.


Agreement in advance:


• You believe the Bible is the inspired, written Word of God and that Jesus is the Son of God.

• You are interested in learning and using online Bible tools.


.... Let the one who is thirsty come... take the water of life freely (Rev. 21:17).


*God provides where He leads (Matt. 6:33).


The Next Step: Once you have made initial contact by email, we will ask for a call, preferably on Zoom, so we can understand your expectations. This will help ensure that BOOK OF LIFE is a good fit for you, before you register.

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